TIMES is also referred to as DARKTIMES is currently one of the most trending cryptocurrency accepted in the market. It stands at $0.02789 as I write this analysis, making it have risen by 26.56% in the last 24 hours. This sharp increase in the value of the coin has drawn the attention of investors and traders because they are out to benefit from the increasing value of this new coin.
At the time of writing this report, DARKTIMES has a market capitalization of $2.41 million making it the 3691st largest digital asset in existence currently. Despite this, it may seem quite low compared to some other more established coins which need to be understood by the fact that the crypto market is still very volatile and burgeoning and a smaller coin may spike in value in a fairly short span of time and acceptance.
Brimming out in a class of our own, DARKTIMES trades 24 hours volume of $99,591.58 thus ranking it 2501 in trading volume. The volume-to-market cap ration is 4.13% which points at moderate level of trading or selling of the coin in question in relationship to it market capitalization. It can turn to be quite useful in measuring liquidity of the asset or the overall interest of investors in the market.
The supply metrics are one source of information available in DARKTIMES. The number of the total circulating supply according to their reported data is 86,44 million TIMES tokens which equals to 8,64% of the total quantity. The number of total tokens and the maximum number of tokens have been set to 1 billion TIMES tokens which depicts that there is much potential for the distribution of the tokens and its niche market in the market.
The market capitalization of DARKTIMES, based on the maximum supply is equal to 27.89 million dollars. Using this figure you can look at the return on investment of the project based on the tokens and if all tokens are in circulation bearing in mind that the market conditions are constant.
The ecosystem currency of DARKTIMES is involved in a highly competitive and dynamic cryptocurrency market, which requires projects to search for value that may keep investors’ attention. The recent price popped up could be due to increased acceptance, positive news within the project or market trends in whichAlternative coins are thriving.
Any interested investor and traders should research more on DARKTIMES to know the type of technology behind the project alongside with its relevance for the future. Any evaluation of cryptocurrency investment has to give regard to the experience of the development team, the laid down roadmap for the project, partnership, and community recognition.
It is notable that the crypto market moves very actively, and although DARKTIMES has recently increased several times in price, any investment should be made carefully. Using low capital cryptocurrencies requires having techniques on how to diversify and manage risks, which are important fixed principles when trading in cryptocurrencies.
Similar to any new technologies and or investment sector DARKTIMES also holds great potential but the future is unknown. It is expected that the successful course of the project will depend on the further fulfillment of the planned commitments, effective attracting of the audience, as well as following the existing legislation concerning cryptocurrencies.
Thus, the show DARKTIMES offers great prospects for those who want to participate in the sphere of smaller-cap cryptos. From the recent charting, and its supply analytics, it indicates possible growth but the same as any investment opportunity in this sector, that needs research and understanding of the various risks involved. Since the world of cryptocurrencies is constantly expanding, projects such as DARKTIMES will become part of the development of new breeds of assets and technologies.